Capitalists are maximizing the means of their profit (capital) generation. They use so many tools to invent new means. Such means are called commodities. Commodity is a marketable item produced to satisfy wants. Cloths, Coats, Food Items, Shoes, TV, Fridge, AC and thousands of commodities we can watch around us. Commodity is anything that is 1-"marketable" and is 2-able to satisfy "human wants and needs". With the passage of time history saw so many things became commodity that capitalist used them as a mean of profit generation. For example, naturally available Animals, Fruits, Grass, Wells and minerals became commodity. Even their own brothers and sisters (human being) became a commodity because they were having ability to satisfy wants and needs. And buyers were ready to pay for them (demanding them). Gods and Goddesses became commodities on the basis of spiritual satisfaction. Their names in modern religions. Productivity of a man became a commodity and so on....
Commodity in not only mean of profit generation it also generates many kinds of taxes for the Govt. Most consumed commodities are more profitable and tax generating.
In modern times capitalist are civilized and more scientific. Technology has grown and they use commodities to produce new commodities for example cotton for cloth, iron for machines, leather for shoes and jackets and so on. Another commodity invented is chemical. Chemicals are used in production and preservation of almost all industrial commodities.
The world is discussing that these developed industries are causing the global warming...
The thing that is embracing me is, they first create a problem and then provide its solutions. Every solution is a commodity, a profitable and taxable commodity. I am worried that they have converted the wants into needs.For example they cause global warming then bring air conditioners. In past air conditioner was a luxury but after the development of heating industries, this is a need. On the other hand for the production of want satisfaction (luxuries) they are affecting needs. For example water is not pure and healthy. Air is polluted.

Let's come to commodities again. Water equally provided to humanity from nature. In blind times wells and even rivers were owned by individual. Civilized man changed the rules and laws it became public property(at least inside a state). But civilized capitalist is not much happy. They have started revolutionary movements of privatization of resources. But unfortunately water and oxygen were two resources having immunity internationally. But still they were having features of commodities because of their ability to satisfy needs.
So first of all they polluted the water and packed it in bottles. Now water is a commodity, available in Pakistan for Rs. 45 per liter. Government as usual imposed a 16% sale tax over that. Tax ratio is low because it is not most consumed commodity like cell phone. Lower class cannot find water (even dirty) how would they buy this priced and taxed bottle…..Now the question is; how would they make air a commodity?

After thinking a couple of nights I got the answer. It’s not something that is going to be happened...actually it has happened.

All of us are aware of oxygen cylinders that are used in space, water, and hospitals for breathing. So they are just waiting for the time when they make it sure that oxygen can be produces in cities and towns. They will just leave a chemical in the air. This will be causing instant death. News channels will be showing so many deaths in different cities across the world. Doctors will suggest use of such cylinder to survive. News casters will be wearing cylinders. At that time everyone rural, urban, poor, rich, old, young, men, women, even for pets and animals we will start consuming this commodity. We will walk, speak, sleep, eat and drink wearing cylinder at our backs. There will be oxygen filling shops (just like Mobile top up shops) will be refilling cylinders. Two new industries cylinder and oxygen manufacturers may be ministry of oxygen management also come into being. Best quality and pure oxygen will be available with a brand of a multinational company like mineral water. There would be a digital meter indicating the position of oxygen in cylinder. Refilling Shops will be charging Rs. 100 for a single gram of oxygen. This price will be including 45% sales tax because it will be the most consumed commodity. Most consumed commodities are mostly more tax generating and more profitable.
That's what I am worried about...........................
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